‘Buffet de la Gare’ – Charrat, Switzerland
I just made this sketch today in my sketchbook after receiving a Sailor Fude de Mannen fountain pen in the post. Tried using the pen, which requires a fair bit of practice, and reverted to my usual tools of pens and Kuratake ink brush, as well as a Real Color brush pen (light grey) for the wash. Much more convenient and versatile.
Came across this station cafe while waiting over 45 minutes for the next train back to Sion, this dilapidated station building across the road from the train station in Fully did not look open for business. Moreover, it was a Sunday afternoon, and we were thirsty and exhausted after spending the last 3-4 hours trekking in the burning sun through the Fully vineyards (in 30 degree heat) and then walking the remaining 4km along the river back to the train station. We actually walked around the building and entered through the back entrance, and to our surprise, found it quite deserted but open for business. The interior was cosy with very dated 1980s decor, but we could buy ice cold drinks and rest indoors until it was time to catch our train. The ‘RE’ of the “Buffet de la Gare” signage had almost completely faded.

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